
23 years old

172 cm

62 kg


Rémi Rivet



2nd year


During the Covid period, I discovered that I have exceptional physical abilities. Initially involved in orienteering, I decided to test myself in mountain running and found promising potential. This led me to leave the orienteering team to fully focus on running, both in trail and road racing.

I have great ambitions for the future in these disciplines and am always open to new partners willing to support me. I am fortunate to be backed by partners like Salomon, whose values I strongly support, as well as the Swiss Army, which enables me to balance my service with a career as a top-level athlete. Additionally, the University of Fribourg shows great flexibility, allowing me to pursue my medical studies.

I am committed to surrounding myself with the right people to achieve my goals. I am now coached by Rémi Rivet, who provides significant guidance and support.

Feel free to contact my manager (matteo.soldini@bluewin.ch) for any questions or partnership proposals.

In October 2023, I finished Morat Fribourg with the 2nd best Swiss time and the 5th best time in the history of the Fribourg running race. It was a real wake-up call for me.

Soldini Jonas, présentation

Jonas Soldini on His 26K and DB Ascent Finishes | mammoth trailfest 2024

Jonas Soldini, un champion fribourgeois de 17 ans

Journal du 10 novembre 2022​

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